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║ SeedMaster OLB_READ.ME ║
║ Copyright (c) 1993 White Harvest Software, Inc. ║
This is intended to provide users of the Online Bible program an intro-
duction to the Online Bible file format compatible version of SeedMaster.
Around April 1993, Larry Pierce, author of Online Bible, provided White
Harvest (among others) with C source code to access his Online Bible
files. We used it to implemented Online Bible databases into our Seed-
Master/DOS V2.3 program. Since we already had a mature Bible study pro-
gram, it only took about 2 weeks to implement and we went into beta test
in late June, 1993. Though our file structures are almost the complete
opposite of Online Bible's (see below), the modularity of the code Larry
provided and the modular design of our program made the task possible.
From a programming standpoint, the Online Bible program is quite a feat.
Larry uses the PL/1 language, and he must use an old, "small memory
model" compiler to create his program. "Small memory model" means he is
limited to only 64K of code (programming) and lacks overlay support. That
he has been able to cram as much function into 64K as he has is amazing.
We use the C language and do not have that limitation. Frankly, we
probably wouldn't have tried this kind of a program if we did.
We have not sought to purely "clone" the Online Bible program. We already
have a mature Bible study product, so we have implemented Online Bible
databases within our existing structure. We have tried to add, where
possible, features to help ease the evaluation or transition for an Online
Bible user to our program.
Generally, we support Online Bible databases that use the "standard"
KJV 31,102 verse layout. As this is released, we are not aware of any
particular databases that are not supported. It is likely that only a
few foreign languages will cause difficulty.
* We know that V6.X files are supported. Older versions may work as
well. We would guess that V5.X and up would work if they use the
31,102 format (most English translations will).
* We know V6.0 SCHOLAR, AV-LSG, AV-RSV, AV-ELB, ELB and AV-NRSV work.
Please let us know your experiences. (We realize that we'll hear from
more that don't work than those that do.) We'll list them on our BBS
as we get the feedback.
We support the Online Bible text resources in two ways:
* We support the native Online Bible format with certain limitations.
First, files are only access read-only any changes you make are
NOT SAVED. Second, you cannot Search the resources as you can with
our format. Third, this format is slower than ours. If you use this
format and use the DIET compression, you are responsible to load
and unload DIET appropriately.
* We have included a conversion program, OLB2SM.EXE, to convert Online
Bible text resources to our format. Instead of spreading text files
across many directories, OLB2SM concatenates the text, (stripping
extraneous hard returns and spacing to display more info on the
screen at one time) and builds two files:
* A Text file (ends in .DAT or .SMC)
* An Index file (.NDX)
Again, there are benefits to this approach. First, more efficient
disk space usage. Second, faster text access. Third, you can edit
and update the text. Finally, you can search textual resources. You
can search the TSK, Lex, etc., for words or numbers and "page" thru
the hits.
OLB2SM has a special "Demo" option to convert only a portion of the
text resources to conserve disk space while you test and evaluate SM.
If used, the following limitations are in effect:
TOPICS: Only the first 1000 topics are converted.
WORD P.: Only Matt through Luke.
See the OLB2SM.DOC file for more details.
The SM/DOS has some basic program features not found in Online Bible:
* The ability to run more than one Online Bible database (combin-
ation or single) at the same time. For instance, you can run side
by side windows of the Darby Bible (found in SCHOLAR) beside the
LSG (found in AV-LSG) and scroll them together.
* The ability to run SeedMaster databases beside Online Bible data-
bases. For instance, you can scroll/search our NKJV, Living Bible,
or TEV Bible databases beside your Online Bible texts.
* An exhaustive list of all Words in a database. You can look up and
scroll words alphabetically and search directly from our Word List.
* An integrated text editor. You can edit verse by verse notes or
the text Resources within SeedMaster with the Bible verses still
on the screen.
* Different search result display. SeedMaster displays each search
verse on a single line with the reference, then a fragment of the
text to the right. This lets you see and screen about 20 verses at
a time on a standard 25 line screen. To see the full text of the
verse in context, you simply press <Enter> on it.
* Search Statistics - a book by book and chapter by chapter summary
of search "hits".
* Searches can be saved and merged using AND, OR, XOR, NOT logic.
* You can search the Text Resources (TSK, etc.).
We have implemented an alternative function key mapping to let you try
out SeedMaster using most of the familiar Online Bible function keys.
You can do this three ways:
* Start SM with the special "=O" option. This will force Online Bible
key usage and status line prompts in View, Search and Commentarys.
Example: SM =O <Enter>
* Press <Shift><F1> to toggle Online Bible function key translation
on and off. Note the status line will change to reflect the new keys.
* Press <Home> once, then type the Online Bible function key. Note
that the status line will NOT change when you press <Home>.
* Online Bible has some undocumented, basic "WordStar" cursor keys.
These are now supported by SeedMaster.
* If you have extended memory and have HIMEM.SYS loaded in your
CONFIG.SYS file, SM will cache Online Bible files into this high
memory. Speeds, even for multiple databases, are pretty quick.
The distribution of Online Bible is unique, as Larry seeks no compen-
sation for his work. His financial needs are met via other means.
Frankly, we do not enjoy that freedom. We are sympathetic to his approach,
as we distribute SeedMaster as Shareware. We ask those who find the
program useful to register their use with us for $30. This includes:
* Putting you on our mailing list for updates/enhancments
* Sending a full, printed and indexed manual (over 90 pages)
* Sending the latest version of our progam, and
* Providing us compensation for our efforts.
Please note that the requested registration fee is ONLY for the use of
our program. We DO NOT ask any additional registration fees for each
"Shareware" Bible database. (If you obtain them from us, our fees cover
duplication expenses, etc.). We allow people to freely copy our non-copy-
righted (non-royalty) Bible databases (we obtained many from Online
Bible). We simply ask to be compensated for our efforts in creating and
enhancing the program. This is where we spend the bulk of our time.
(For more information, see Registration Info on the Help Menu.)
We are always open to suggestions and questions. Be gentle, but
direct. You can contact us at:
White Harvest Software, Inc.
PO Box 97153
Raleigh, NC 27624-7153 U.S.A.
Voice/Fax: (919) 870-0775
(To reach the Fax, press your "Go" or "Start" button BEFORE
you hear our phone ring.)
BBS: (919) 846-2141
As stated earlier, Online Bible databases are designed very differently
from our native SeedMaster databases. Naturally, Larry prefers his format,
and we prefer ours. Nevertheless, the following is our best attempt at
an objective assessment the differences between the two designs:
Because of the Online Bible program's "small memory model", Larry has
had limited code space and gobs of memory left over to "cache" files
in memory. So, Larry designs very tightly coded and compressed Bible
texts and indexes. He loads key index and decompression files (100K to
200K) into memory for fast access. Otherwise, access speed would be
rather slow. On your hard disk, therefore, his databases are smaller
than ours. Because Online Bible must have so much information in memory,
it can only run one database at a time (which is one reason for the
"combination" databases).
We have never had significant code space limitations. We emphasized:
* Minimizing hard disk accesses
* Conserving memory space, and
* Providing any combination of Bible databases simultaneously.
The memory required to decompress one of our databases is only about 5K.
We also need very few hard disk accesses, so we do not need to cache
our indexes for speed. The penalty we pay for this is larger database
files (about 4MB each version). It has been our position that hard disk
space is "cheap", at least compared with a user's study options and time.
Therefore, we prefer to err on the side of large files to gain greater
flexibility and speed. When we run Online Bible databases, we performed
some "tweaks" and we do try to cache key files (to extended memory if
you have HIMEM.SYS loaded in your CONFIG.SYS). However, if your memory
is limited, access to Online Bible databases will be slow. Under the
same constraints, our databases WOULD NOT suffer speed degradation.
There are other related differences:
* Online Bible databases do not index all words. They leave out very
common words such as "the", "and", etc. SeedMaster databases ex-
haustively index all words.
* Online Bible databases do not support paragraph markers (or hard
returns) within the text of a verse--such as in poetry sections.
SeedMaster databases do support them, when we have that information
(as in the NIV, TEV, TLB and other databases).
* In Online combination databases, words are indexed across all Bible
texts. If a program wants to find out if a word is used only in a
given translation, it must read in all possible verses and check for
that word (slow). All SeedMaster databases are indexed separately.
So, we would counsel as follows (this presumes you use our program and
therefore have a choice of databases):
* If your hard disk space/budget is constrained, use Online Bible
databases. Note, however, if you use multiple Online Bible data-
bases, the disk savings can decrease due to the duplication of
the AV and Strong's numbers in each database.
* If your DOS memory is too constrained to run Online Bible databases
quickly--or if you want maximum flexibility in database combinations,
use SeedMaster databases. You will find them rather affordable (none
over $30).
In summary, there is nothing really "wrong" or "evil" about either design
approach. They reflect both personal philosophies and technical con-
straints. Between them, they do offer a rather complete range of choice
for the Bible student. We hope you use them to their best advantage.
* SEARCH WORD VERIFICATION: Because SeedMaster displays so many more
search verses at a time, and because background verification of
words in a particular text is impractical, as a default, we do not
verify the existance of a word in a given text as Online Bible does.
* NO STRONG'S IN WORD LIST: We could not justify implementing Online
Bible Strong's numbers in our Word List as we do with the SeedMaster
version. If you have the SeedMaster STR database, the Word List
lists each Strong's number, the Greek/Hebrew word, and the most
common AV rendition. The STR has a special file to provide this
information quickly. This data is not quickly available within
Online Bible databases. Since most of the benefit is the supple-
mental information that we lack, we did not implement it.
* CROSS REFERENCE NUMBERS: If you run the cross-references (F10) on
Gen 1:1 within Online Bible, it will say 78 verses. In SeedMaster,
you will get 75. The difference is that 3 verses are listed twice,
but both give you the same verses to look at.
* CONVERTING WORD PICTURES: Broadman Press permits Online Bible to
distribute all 6 volumes royalty-free. They did not choose to do so
with our program. We must pay royalties on volumes 5 & 6, and are
constrained to only sell them direct. Since OLB2SM converts RWP files
to our format, we could be held liable for royalties on the converted
files (which would be inumerable). Thus, we only allow OLB2SM to
convert volumes 1-4 (copyright has expired). This is not our desire
or decision. We do sell the complete set for an affordable $15.
We know that there is an army of dealers who sell copies of the Online
Bible program and databases. It is not our intent to damage your ministry/
business. In fact, we can help. If you also offer our program, you can
continue to distribute the Online Bible files and add our Bible databases.
We can provide (at wholesale pricing) our copyrighted databases (some of
which are not available in Online Bible format). Contact us for details.